Golden hydrogen

Lubbe et al. Curr. Opin. Green Sustain. Chem. 2023; 39: 100732 | Highlighted on Fuelcons

Hydrogen is a colorless compound to which symbolic colors are attributed to classify it according to the resources used in production, production processes, such as electrolysis, and energy vectors, such as solar radiation. Green hydrogen is produced mainly by electrolysis of water using renewable electricity from an electricity grid powered by wind, geothermal, solar or hydroelectric power plants. For grid-powered electrolyzers the tendency is to go larger to reach the gigawatt-scale. An evolution in the opposite direction is the integration of the photophysics of sunlight harvesting and the electrochemistry of water molecule splitting in solar hydrogen generator units, with each unit working at kilowatt-scale, or less. This review article by Lubbe et al. proposes the category “golden hydrogen”, which is produced in such dedicated solar hydrogen generators.

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