Sven Mahler
Fuelcons | Real world fuel consumption data and analysis | |
This dataset is the basis of the article titled “Comparison of 2009 Volkswagen Polo 1.2 R6 and 2012 Toyota Yaris Hybrid fuel consumption under economic driving conditions”, published on Fuelcons on February 1, 2020. The dataset contains some additional information and is free for download for further research/use.
The available .csv file is organized as stated below and can be downloaded here:
Please cite this dataset as:
Mahler S. (2023). Dataset: 2009 Volkswagen Polo 1.2 R6 vs. 2012 Toyota Yaris Hybrid fuel consumption. Fuelcons-2023-D1.
Available at:
Organization of the .csv-file:
- contains headers (row 1)
- individual items are separated by semicolons
- empty fields: no data available
- column #1 (date): refueling date (
- column #2 (vehicle): Polo (2009 Volkswagen Polo 1.2 R6) or YHSD (2012 Toyota Yaris Hybrid)
- column #3 (tyres): 1: summer, 2: winter; 3: mixed
- column #4 (distance): distance traveled before completea refueling (km)
- column #5 (vol. refueled): fuel volume pump (L)
- column #6 (gas station): chain / company
- column #7 (type of fuel): E5, E10, or ROZ 98 (“Super Plus”)
- column #8 (avg. fuel cons.): average fuel consumption (#5/#4*100) (L/100 km)
- column #9 (avg. fuel cons. [TC]): avg. fuel consumption as given by trip computer (TC) (L/100 km)b
- column #10 (avg. speed [TC]): average speed as given by trip computer (TC) (km/h)b
- column #11 (avg. temp): average temperature between fuelings, obtained from WolframAlpha ( using the following inquiry: ‘Average temperature Germany between DD/MM/YYYY and DD/MM/YYYY’
a One partial filling included in refueling on 06.09.2012 (Polo).
b Note that the overall (per tank of fuel) avg. fuel cons. as well as avg. speed given by the YHSD TC was calculated from recorded single-trip data and are therefore given with 2 and 1 decimal places, respectively. Please see the Materials and Methods section of the original article for further details.